for Grades K-8 reading and math. It does it all to make EVERY student more successful. This is “true” adaptive learning for intervention, differentiation, and personalization. Every student interaction adjusts instruction in real time to real learning needs. SuccessMaker® delivers tutorials, practice, challenge, and remediation. It instantly adjusts pacing and sequencing. It continuously assesses in a natural, unobtrusive way.
SuccessMaker® not only reports on student progress, it predicts it! Predictive analysis helps teachers improve student success over time. Keep students on pace to master target skills and standards.
Discipline: Mathematics, Literacy
Grade(s): K - 8
Program Type: Supplemental, Intervention
Delivery Method: Digital
Funding Sources: IDEA, 1003a School Improvement Funds, Title I, Title III, SSAE Grant, Striving Readers, CLSD Grant, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, ESSER